Feel free to wear whatever you are comfortable in. Our congregation wears anything from jeans and a t-shirt to a formal suit, depending on the person. Just remember that in the colder months our older buildings can get a little chilly!
When you enter out buildings please feel free to sit wherever you like!
In Cumlodden church all of our pews are suitable but in Inveraray we ask you join us in worship downstairs.
Children are always welcomed at Westlochfyneside! While we do not run a Sunday school, we always have activities on hand to occupy Children while they join us in worship.
We also understand that with children comes noise. Jesus never told Children to be quiet and nor do we. (Our minister also has a loud voice, any noise you can make she can make louder!)
We understand that a worship service can be new and unfamiliar to many, so here is what you can expect at Westlochfyneside.
The hymns will be displayed on the screens and the minister will indicate when it is time to stand and sing them if you are able.
During the first prayer the congregation will recite The Lords Prayer. If you wish to
We understand that a worship service can be new and unfamiliar to many, so here is what you can expect at Westlochfyneside.
The hymns will be displayed on the screens and the minister will indicate when it is time to stand and sing them if you are able.
During the first prayer the congregation will recite The Lords Prayer. If you wish to join us recite any version that is familiar to you.
After the final prayer those who are able stay standing for the benediction.
West Lochfyneside Parish Church